Credit goes to the following authors of the maps: Map01 - Wildski Map02 - Floss Map03 - Mancer Map04 - Wildski Map05 - Floss Map06 - Ianco Map07 - Iceman Map08 - Floss Map09 - Floss Map10 - Midiguy Map11 - Iceman Map12 - Floss Map13 - Shaft Map14 - Jason Map15 - Floss Map16 - Klob Map17 - Mancer Map18 - Floss Map19 - Docdoom Map20 - Giggler Map21 - Dweller in the Celler Map22 - Wesdeth Map23 - MrDoom Map24 - MrDoom Map25 - MrDoom Map26 - MrDoom Map27 - MrBlonde Map28 - Floss You may distribute this WAD file provided you make no changes to any of the maps unless stated otherwise by the original author. Please don't change anything, thanks for downloading this and happy fraggin' ;) -Floss